LATE NITE TATTOOS was established in 2006 by an artist named JAY LENNO.

Lenno wanted to create a place where he and other like-minded artists could explore their talent by creating art for the masses. He understood getting a tattoo is a significant experience. It was his dream that everyone who enters Late Nite Tattoos would experience a life-long pleasurable memory.

Everyone has a different reasons for getting tattooed or pierced. For some, it’s a rite of passage or a marking of adulthood. For others, it’s is a big transcending moment — a moment that is being recorded in the skin as a way of marking change or growth. Sometimes it’s a way we can keep memories of times past with us in the present. It can even be motivation to begin that body transformation to the body the individual dreams about having.

When a person gets tattooed or pierced, it can change their identity. It can lead to feelings of accomplishment, winning or conquering struggles.  Everyone looks in the mirror after a tattoo and feels empowered that they had the courage and bravery to take this journey of self and to add something to themselves.

At LATE NITE TATTOO we just want to be the guide on that journey.


Texas born, Texas raised…

Jay Lenno comes from a long line of artists. His grandmother was a painter who owned a painting studio in Greenspoint area in the 90’s. His mother was a painter also. This lineage of artists taught him, “everything is an art and there is art in everything.” This approach has guided his life and his perception.

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Late Nite Tattoo
25602 I-45 #104
Spring, TX 77386
Shop: 281-651-2754
Cell: 832-229-4054
5pm – Midnight
Closed Monday